The Human Body: The Circulatory System
- 25 min
- English
- 6-10
Read by Arina Ii Davis Brooks Vincent Lai Sharon D Clarke
Yoto says: Shrink down with the BrainBots to learn all about the circulatory system. Get ready to ride a water slide!
Hold on tight! The BrainBots are out of the classroom and shrinking all the way down to learn as much as they can about what gets our blood pumping - the circulatory system.
Join Nellie, Buzz and Gibbs as they stand right inside the heart and discover how it keeps us alive. Then, take a ride on a red blood cell to see what it does as it travels through the veins, arteries and capillaries!
Test your knowledge at the end of the card to see how many BrainBank facts you can remember about the human body and its circulatory system.
Also available as a pack.
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